JCT Network Marketing Apps

General Home Improvement 1.0.0
HomeAdvisor is a secure way tofindcontractors.It allows me to feel more comfortable bringingsomeone into my homeImagine what you can buildCreate personalized design boards from high-quality images ofthestyles and spaces that inspire you. Once your design boardiscomplete, DesignMine lets you easily share it with friendsandfamily. And when you're ready, you can collaborate with localprosto bring your vision to life
Taco Loco 1.0.0
A LOOK BACK:TACO LOCOMEXICAN RESTAURANTTaco Loco Mexican Restaurant opened as a small taco shop in1982on Main Street in Bridgeport, CT. Soon outgrowing thesmallstorefront, Owners Miguel and Rose Tomasio moved the businesstothe Black Rock section of Bridgeport in 1989.They recognized the potential of the developing neighborhoodandthe business soon expanded from just tacos and nachos toafull-service restaurant with a complete menu and entreeslikepaella, steak chimichurri, carnitas and the Taco Loco Tacosthatmade the restaurant famous! Today, Taco Loco offers over75tequilas, a proprietary fresh lime sour mix and the verybestmargaritas. Customers consistently recognize the restaurant astheBest Mexican Restaurant AND Best Margarita in FairfieldCounty!Taco Loco is also known for outstanding service and theoutdoorpatio. With regard to Taco Loco’s mobile capabilities, itsfirstfood truck was on the road in 1988, making Taco Loco thefirstMexican caterers in Connecticut! Recently, the truck wasrefittedwith a new kitchen, branding and killer menu and is one oftheleading vehicles in the very popular, trendy food truckcategory.Taco Loco has now added a second, brand-new truck, to beable tomeet the demands of businesses and local residents who wantto hirethe vehicle to cater their private and corporate parties,fromStamford to Madison, CT, and even Westchester County.Visitsincluded employee appreciation days for major local companiessuchas Schick and Bigelow Tea. And when the Trucks aren’t coveringaprivate function, they can be found at fundraisers andfestivalsall around the stateA LOOK BACK:TACO LOCOMEXICAN RESTAURANTTaco Loco Mexican Restaurant opened as a small taco shop in1982on Main Street in Bridgeport, CT. Soon outgrowing thesmallstorefront, Owners Miguel and Rose Tomasio Moved the businesstothe Black Rock section of Bridgeport in 1989.They Recognized the potential of the Developing neighborhoodandthe business soon expanded from just tacos and nachos toafull-service restaurant with a complete menu and entreeslikepaella, chimichurri steak, carnitas and the Taco Loco TacosThatmade the restaurant famous! Today, Taco Loco offers over75tequilas, a proprietary fresh lime sour mix and the verybestmargaritas. Customers consistently Recognize the restaurant astheBest Mexican Restaurant AND Best Margarita in FairfieldCounty!Taco Loco is Also known for outstanding service and theoutdoorpatio. With regard to Taco Loco's mobile capabilities, ITSfirstfood truck was on the road in 1988, making the first TacoLocoMexican caterers in Connecticut! Recently, the truck wasrefittedwith a new kitchen, branding and killer menu and is one oftheleading vehicles in the very popular, trendy food truckcategory.Taco Loco has now added a second, brand-new truck, to bereliableto meet the Demands of Businesses Local and residents WhoWant tohire the vehicle to cater Their private and corporateparties, fromStamford to Madison, CT, and even Westchester County .Visitsincluded employee appreciation days for the local majorcompanies:such as Schick and Bigelow Tea. And when to the Trucksare notcovering a private function, they can be found at Theyfundraisersand festivals all around the state
Ninja Hop Game 6.0.0
Evitar las trampas , pozos y tesoros falsosyllegar lo más lejos que puedas antes de su motivación seagote.Pulse la flecha izquierda , tecla Z o del grifo lado de lapantalladeja de salto corto . presione la flecha derecha . X teclao punteeen el lado derecho de la pantalla por mucho tiempo hop .tesorosreales aumentan la motivación , mientras que los falsosquedisminuyenAvoid traps, wellsandfalse treasures and get as far as you can before yourmotivationruns out. Press the left arrow key or tap Z side of thescreenstops short jump. press the right arrow. X key or tap therightside of the screen for long hop. real treasuresincreasemotivation, while decreasing false
Revertir la Diabetes 1.0.0
Usted Puede Dominar la Diabetes de FormaSeguray Natural,Sin Medicamentos y Con Resultados Rápidos y 100% Garantizados!¿Le Gustaría Tener Control Total de SuDiabetes en 30 Días o Menos, Atacando laCausa de la Enfermedad y No Solo los Síntomas, Utilizando unMétodo100% Efectivoy Científicamente Comprobado?You can masterDiabetessafely and naturally,Without Drugs and quick results and 100% guaranteed!Would you like Total Control of YourDiabetes in 30 Days or Less, AttackingCause of the disease and not just the symptoms, using a method100%Effectiveand Scientifically Proven?
Tires Repairs Services LLC 1.0.0
Servicio venta y reparación de gomas(Tires)para autos, las 24 horas del dias 7 días de la semana.Nuestro servicio de ayuda (Help) esta diseñado para quenuestrosclientes se le pincha o explota una goma, se comunica connuestraoficina y de inmediato llegaría Ayuda para reparar suGoma.Sales service andrepairof tires (Tires) for cars, 24 hours a day 7 days aweek.Our Help (Help) is designed so that our customers will clickoroperates a rubber communicating with our office immediatelyandwould help to repair your Goma.
Posteador Ninja 13.0.0
Post status, Link, images, videosPost online images by pasting URL , upload images fromyourcomputer, customize imagesPowerful canvas to edit/customize images, edit online imagesorupload from you computer and post to FacebookSupport multiple facebook accounts and mulitple Facebook apps,noapp review requiredSupport Mutliple Users, Each user can use his own Facebookaccountin his script accountPost as Page, You can manage your own pages via scriptShare Page Post to multiple groups and increase page fansSchedule Posts, Schedule your posts to publish atspecifictime.Comment bumps, Publish comments to move your posts to top ofnewsfeed of FacebookRss Feeds, Auto-create Link campaigns, Intergrate withwordpress.Make it 100% auto toolPost Youtube video as Facebook video, just paste youtube videoURLand donePost Faecbook Public videos as your own video, its NOTvideosharing, its copying the videoConfigurable Posts Delay.Play/Pause/Edit/Repost/Save campaignsPlay/Pause/Edit/Repost/Delete commentsGet Likes, comments and shares of each postGet status of each postingTimezone, Spintax and Nested Spintax, beautiful responsivemobilefriendly templateFacebook login and signupSupport Multiple languagesCustom Node ListsPowerful admin panel and user profiles to manage usersEmails on signup, reset password and password changed.Easilycustomize email templatesAuto Update FeatureDetailed documentation and help section to understanddifferentfeatures of scriptLatest technologies. Codeigniter, Mysql, Bootstrap,Angularjs,Jquery , Facebook SDK 5.0Easy and simple installation, installation guide includedBest customer support and regular updates with new featuresand many many moreOther FeaturesPost on pages, groups, events and profileUse canvas to add shapes/text to images with different colorsandfontsEdit online images and post them to FaceboookUpload images from computer and mobileFilter closed/secrets groups on importFilter restricted liked pages on importImport groups via CSV fileManage Facebook app roles form scriptAdvance datatables for quick searching and sortingDelete records and delete all recordsRefresh profile to import new nodesinfinite scolling instead of pagnination to save your timeVarious app configuration parameters for admin to controlthescriptMonitor campaign progress on dashboardView created post on Facebookadd user, signup page, singup with FacebookReset password with your email addressClean, indented and well commented code for easycustomizationWell secured script to prevent XSS, CSRF, SQL injection etc.MVC structureEasily add your language filesEasily add/remove faqs on help sectionSupport Facebook API 2.5Post status, Link,images,videosPost online images by pasting URL, upload images from yourcomputer,customize imagesPowerful canvas to edit / customize images, edit online imagesorupload from you computer and post to FacebookSupport multiple accounts and mulitple facebook Facebook apps,appreview not requiredSupport Mutliple Users, Each user can use His own Facebookaccountin His script accountPost as Page, You can manage your own pages via scriptShare Page Post to multiple groups and Increase page fansPosts Schedule, Schedule your posts to publish atspecifictime.Comment bumps, comments Publish posts to move to top of yournewsfeed of FacebookRss Feeds, Auto-create Link Campaigns, Intergrate Withwordpress.Make it 100% auto toolPost Youtube video as Facebook video, just paste youtube videoURLand donePublic Faecbook post your own video as video, video sharing ITSNOT,ITS copying the videoPosts Configurable Delay.Play / Pause / Edit / Repost / Save CampaignsPlay / Pause / Edit / Repost / Delete commentsGet Likes, comments and shares of each postGet status of each postingTimezone, Spintax and Nested Spintax, beautiful mobilefriendlyresponsive templateFacebook login and signupSupport Multiple languagesCustom Node ListsPowerful admin panel and user profiles to manage usersEmails on signup, password reset and password changed.Easilycustomize email templatesAuto Update FeatureDetailed documentation and help section to Understanddifferentfeatures of scriptLatest technologies. Codeigniter, Mysql, Bootstrap,AngularJS,Jquery, Facebook SDK 5.0Easy and simple installation, installation guide includedBest customer support and updates regularly with New featuresand many many moreOther FeaturesPost on pages, groups, events and profileUse canvas to add shapes / text to images With different colorsandfontsEdit images and post them online to FaceboookUpload images from computer and mobileFilter closed / secrets groups on importFilter restricted liked pages on importImport groups via CSV fileManage Facebook app roles form scriptAdvance datatables for quick searching and sortingDelete all records and delete recordsRefresh profile to import new nodesInstead of infinite scolling pagnination to save your timeVarious configuration parameters for admin app to checkthescriptMonitor campaign progress on dashboardView created post on Facebookadd user, signup page, singup with FacebookWith your password reset email addressClean, indented and well commented code for easycustomizationWell secured script to Prevent XSS, CSRF, SQL injection etc.MVC structureEasily add your language filesEasily add / remove faqs on help sectionSupport Facebook API 2.5
Redes Sociales Posteador 3.0.0
Ninja social es una aplicación que sepuedeutilizar para programar campañas y crear contenidos parasuscuentas de Facebook, Twitter y Youtube. Ofrece una herramientaparasubir contenidos a granel en una forma organizada yprogramarlospara ser publicado más tarde en sus perfiles sociales.creador decontenido le ayudará a crear un rico contenido, editarfotos yvídeos, descargar imágenes y vídeos desde Internet para suuso enlas campañas. Ninja social también es capaz de clasificarlospuestos con reacciones negativas de sus fans yeliminarautomáticamente en base a sus preferenciassocial Ninja isanapplication that can be used to schedule campaigns andcreatecontent for your Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. It offers atool tobulk upload content in an organized manner and schedule tobepublished later in their social profiles. content creator willhelpyou create a rich content, edit photos and videos, downloadimagesand videos from the Internet for use in campaigns. socialNinja isalso able to classify posts with negative reactions fromtheir fansand automatically delete based on your preferences
Ambit Energy Rates & Plans 7.0.0
Ambit Energy Rates & Plans.A lot of people only know Ambit for our low, competitiverates.While we’re proud to give our Customers the consistentsavings theydeserve, those who really know Ambit understand lowrates are onlypart of the story. With great service, loyaltyrewards and theopportunity to earn Free Energy, Ambit is an amazingoverallvalue.So compare for yourself and see why more electric and naturalgasCustomers throughout California, Connecticut, Delaware,Illinois,Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,New Jersey,New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas,Virginia andWashington, D.C. are choosing Ambit Energy as the bestchoice inenergy today.Ambit Energy Rates&Plans.A lot of people only know Ambit for our low, competitiverates.While we're proud to give our Customers the consistentsavings TheyDeserve, Those Who Understand really know Ambit lowrates are onlypart of the story. With great service, loyaltyrewards and theopportunity to earn Free Energy, Ambit is an amazingoverallvalue.So compare for yourself and see why more electric and naturalgasCustomers THROUGHOUT California, Connecticut, Delaware,Illinois,Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,New Jersey,New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas,Virginia andWashington, DC are choosing Ambit Energy as the bestchoice inenergy today.
Ambit Energy Consulting 11.0.0
Almost every one of us uses electricityornatural gas on a daily basis. That’s why Consultants who startabusiness with Ambit Energy have a strong advantage overtraditionalnetwork marketing opportunities. Simply by helpingfriends, familyand new contacts save money every month on theirenergy bills,Ambit Consultants begin earning residual incomeimmediately.Plus, the investment to get started is minimal, and thereisnever a renewal fee. And since there are no lotions, potions,pillsor powders to stock, inventory and deliver, our Consultantssave oncosts, avoid hassle and can focus on effectively reachingnewCustomers.To help Consultants reach their fullest potential, Ambithascreated a smart, easy-to-use Consultant support system designedtoprovide the business-building tools, guidance andunlimitedtraining Consultants can use every day for achievinggreaterresults. And after the initial investment, this supportisabsolutely free.Currently, we offer service in California, Connecticut,Delaware,District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts,Maryland, NewHampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania,Rhode Island,Texas and Virginia – with more markets opening upeach year.